Volunteers are the heart and soul of any strong, vibrant, successful and enduring organizations. Volunteering is integral to CBAC. Volunteers are responsible for the Council’s rich and continuing history.
CBAC relies on its volunteers to provide:
(a) Friendly visits to isolated members at home, in hospital and nursing homes.
(b) Accompaniment to and from medical and other appointments.
(c) Daily telephone calls as measure of security to the shut-ins, members with reduced mobility, and to those that are ailing.
(d) Calls to members to remind or inform them of upcoming activities.
Volunteers also provide services and aid in the recreational, social, cultural and educational activities of the Council, as well as provide transportation when necessary.
Many volunteers who have been pillars of CBAC are increasingly unable to continue to so with the vim and vigor they once had. Some already need some of the same services they once rendered. Volunteers are always welcome and needed.