A Musical Cabaret of Josephine

 We will be going on June 18, 2023 and the bus will leave CBAC at 1:15pm so please be at CBAC’s office on or before 1pm. Please call the office to reserve your space as soon as possible because we have limited space.

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Walk for Hope

CBAC in partnership with New Hope Senior Citizens Centre in their “Walk for Hope” on Saturday, June 17, 2023 at 10am. If you are interested in joining us, get your friends and family to sponsor your walk. Anyone donating $20 or more will receive a tax receipt. Raise $40 or more and receive...

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Mother’s Day off

Nemesis Video Game Lounge collaborates with Playmas Montreal Cultural Association and Chef Sean SNS to Host ‘Moms Day Off’ for Mother’s Day. Moms Day Off is a unique combination of brunch and Live music experiences that will make for a fun-filled day for moms. The event will feature a delicious...

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Annual General Meeting

AGM: Due to the funeral of our members; Sandra Maharaj and Egbert Gaye on Thursday, 15th of June 2023, our AGM is postponed. NEW DATE FOR THE AGM IS 22nd of JUNE 2023 at 1pm.  Please, do not forget to call the office 514-935-4951 to sign up to take the bus to the City Hall on the Day...

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